
    Unread Heart Prelude

    Unread Heart is the title of a song which was arranged and composed by a friend of mine. Can say that this prelude is a “one-man show” song – he played, he edited and he mixed all together become one. Before we listen to the song, allow me to tell you more about this amazing guy.

    He originally comes from a small city, Sragen, on Java island, Indonesia. It was around 12 years ago when saw people playing keyboard for the very first time and he wondered, “What is that?”. That was the beginning of his journey in music. He started to figure it out!

    I have seen with my own eyes how he spent his time to practice, to learn, to dig, to practice again and again whenever times permitted. When people are sleeping, he was still in front of Piano Freak I can say so.  And now, I see he is reaping what he has sowed. All his hard work is being paid off.

    People say to learn as young as possible is better. That’s true, I agree. But now I have another opinion about the learning experience. No matter how old we are, as long we are willing to learn, we have a passion for it, there is no too late issue.

    When he started to learn piano, he was in his early 20s. From knowing nothing in music to know almost everything today. He plays the piano very well while along his learning process, he also gains skills to play other musical instruments as well which support him in music arranging. He plays music in a team on Sunday services in the church where he committed and on a special event such as wedding events and so on. He also teaches in music school and does private 1-1 coaching.

    To date, although he might not as good or as popular as other musicians, but one thing which I think is more important than mere popularity is that he has produced quite a number of students, or…precisely group of followers! Haha…People around him who learn music from him will get addicted to learn and learn and keep learning. And personally, I learn much from him, not only about music, but also his life experiences which have really inspired me.

    Is there anyone around you that has inspired you? I guess at least one people has done the job without we realize it.  Don’t you think so? Well, his name is Yonathan Suparno and here is his creation. Enjoy!

    [Featured image by Jason Jarrach on Unsplash]


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