“..Am I looked like one..?”
“..errm…for fun…?”
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Quite often I received this question from people who met me for the very first time in Meet & Greet Explorer outing, organized through Indonesia Explorer (IDE) Meetup group where members of IDE come together over cuppa of tea or coffee or dinner so that each member will have better understanding of each other – considering we all will travel together one day. Sharing travel experiences, getting to know new friends, sound not too bad, agree? 🙂

Put it in an easy way. Because I love to travel and I want to FORCE myself to at least move my body away from my Lappie (that’s how I call my dear laptop) once in a while before I become a truly workaholic – work day and night with countless sleepless nights. Find out more about what I do now for living here.
The turning point was when I noticed that I have missed many good places in Indonesia. Whenever I went back to Indonesia and heard from my friends about how beautiful were the places (in Indonesia) they went to. I had no clues. I mean, most of the times, I didn’t have a clue where those places were. And what hit me the hardest was when I went to Bintan with few of my friends from Singapore, then I just knew that Bintan was actually part of Indonesia, too. *big slap on my face*
As an add-on to this “inspiration”, when I saw a photo of my friend hiking at one of the volcanoes in Indonesia. Precisely, it was at Mount Batur in Bali. I saw all those beautiful photos and I was saying to myself, “Oh my, I should not delay any further! I also want to go there!”.

And that was briefly how Indonesia Explorer (IDE) Meetup group started. Hoping through this group, besides I will have more chances to explore my home country, Indonesia, I will get to introduce to more people about Indonesia.
“9th August 2013..”
Yes. That’s when IDE group was born and now it has become one of the important days to me besides it’s my close friend’s birthday and Singapore National Day.
Again, ask me.
My answer will be..
“No..I am not.”
“I am only a 9-6 career woman who loves to travel, and make new friends and currently a part-time online student. That’s it.”
And at the moment, I am happy with it. 🙂
UPDATE June 2018
I have left my corporate job in 2016. Now, I reintroduce myself as a travel planner and blogger. Or more interestingly, just know me as an explorer. If you want to explore Indonesia, you should know now who to go to!