
    Ancol Dreamland: The Biggest Edutainment Park in Jakarta

    Edutainment or Educational entertainment is a concept designed to educate through entertainment. Education and entertainment are two things that seem not related and so wrong to be placed together. But unlike in the past where study only limited to textbooks and in a classroom, now there are places where we can enhance our study experiences by learning and playing at the same time. And one of those places is in Ancol Dreamland.

    ” Ancol Dreamland?
    You mean Dunia Fantasi the amusement park?
    Where people screaming like the world is going to end soon?
    That place?

    Well, many people will only think of Dunia Fantasi when they heard of Ancol Dreamland but the fact is Ancol Dreamland has so much more things to see and explore – not only limited to that roller coaster, the pirate boat ride and all. From my last visit to the location a month ago, I would say that Ancol Dreamland probably is the biggest edutainment park in Jakarta.

    Top 3 Edutainment Spots in Ancol Dreamland

    Ancol Dreamland or Ancol Taman Impian has 552-hectare recreation area which is divided into few recreation spots catering visitors from the young age to adults. It is an ultimate place to go with friends and families and I suppose we need at least three days to enjoy Ancol Dreamland in whole. Let’s see the top three places in Ancol Dreamland that I think it is not only entertaining but also educating.

    1. Allianz Ecopark

    A previously golf course turned to an eco-park with a total area of 34 hectares big, Allianz Ecopark offers a variety of outdoor activities to the visitors. From the light activities such as cycling, canoeing, to the more physical-demanding activities like trekking along with the planned circuits, flying fox, paintball game, archery, and much more. Besides that, there is also Learning Farm, Rumah Lebah (The Beehives) and also Faunaland, where children can have a hands-on learning session about each particular topic.

    I was there on Saturday morning with my friends and we were delighted to see the eco market that was happening on that weekend. There were plenty of food and beverage stalls lining up along the park with a reasonable selling price. Family comes with young children to do morning exercise, cycling, or just spending time by the lake. Whether it is for hanging out or working out, Allianz Ecopark seems just the right place for both purposes.

    At Ecopark, we learn to embrace the nature #Edutainment #WisataEdukasi Share on X

    After spending sometimes cycling in the park, I learned that Allianz Ecopark is like a natural training ground where every part of our body will be triggered to ‘wake-up’ to the environment around. We learn to embrace the nature and the important role that nature has in our life which in result it boosts the sense of care to the environment in us. If this is what Allianz Ecopark aims for, then they have hit the nail on the head.

    2. Ocean Dream Samudra

    If Allianz Ecopark focuses more on the green land environment, then, Ocean Dream Samudra or used to be called as Gelanggang Samudra, is going a little bit deeper into the ocean and its habitat. We can find dolphin and seals arena, aquariums of freshwater fish and seawater and also interesting family-friendly performances such as Scorpion Pirates and the underwater ballerina show at the Underwater Theatre. Oh, not to forget, there is 4D cinema at Ocean Dream Samudra that shouldn’t be missed. That time, the cinema is showing the Yogi Bear Adventure!

    What I found most interesting that day during my visitation to Ocean Dream Samudra is the dolphin therapy. Little did I know that interaction with dolphin and the sonar sounds produced by dolphin have been cited as having special capabilities that enhance healing potential for people with special needs. Besides the dolphin show arena and dolphin therapy facility, Ocean Dream Samudra also has its own dolphin conservation centre with complete labs and vets, too.

    Do you know that Ocean Dream Samudra has their own Dolphin Conservation Centre?#WisataEdukasi Share on X

    Looking at the excited audiences enjoying the shows, the happy faces of the children for being able to get so close to the dolphins, young and old spend great quality time together, what else could we ask for more? I believe everyone comes out from the Ocean Dream Samudra with a better understanding of the ocean and its wonders.

    3. Seaworld

    Ancol Dreamland brings the underwater world closer to us, right in the Jakarta city.

    From the Ocean Dream Samudra to the Seaworld, we are one step further into the deeper sea. In here, visitors will find out more how the underwater world looks like. As not all of us have the privilege or time to travel far to really experience it, Ancol Dreamland brings the underwater world closer to us, right in the Jakarta city.

    Although all the marine habitats here are not something that we see every day. However, if you love Finding Nemo and Finding Dory movie, you may familiar with some of the marine habitats here already. Such as sharks, jellyfish, and other big and small fish that are distributed into few aquariums across the Seaworld area including moray eels, sea turtles, and otters. And tell you what, the feeling to see them in real is much more exciting than only watching them in the movies.

    Learn the fish habit during fish feeding time at Seaworld #WisataEdukasi #Edutainment Share on X

    One of my favourite sections of Seaworld is going through the tunnel under the main aquarium. We see the stingray passing by above us, various of fish swimming on our left and right. The feeling of being surrounding by the fish is amazing. And another exciting news is we can go for fun diving in the main aquarium. My other favourite section is the jellyfish and the mystery of the deep ocean corner. And yes, the underwater is mysterious but also interesting. When we see more, we will learn more.

    Ancol Dreamland makes the edutainment especially about nature possible. It covers learning from the above-ground to underwater world in one place.

    The entrance fees to these three edutainment spots are also affordable, ranging from IDR50.000,- to IDR200.000,- per pax. They do have a special package for entrance tickets, too. For further information, do check on Ancol Dreamland website or you can also tweet your questions to them, whichever preferable.

    At the end of the visitation, we will not only gain knowledge but our mindset towards this earth where we are standing at, definitely won’t be the same again. Hope you will enjoy these three edutainment spots as I did! 🙂

    Which one of these three spots that you are eager to go to the most? Are you more into greens or underwater? Feel free to leave your comments below.

    [Some photo credits go to Suryadi SulthanVincia and Rizka]


    1. Banyak yang underestimate sama Ancol “Wisata edukasinya di mana?”. Mereka cuma have fun lalu pulang. Padahal tanpa disadari, begitu pulang banyak pengetahuan yang kita dapat. Setidaknya kalau ketemu Presiden ditanyain nama-nama ikan, udah bisa jawab lah ya.. 😀

      • Hahaha..mungkin karena kalau sebut Ancol, identiknya cuma Dufan yang memang seru-seruan gitu kan. Padahal selain Dufan, banyak tempat lain di Ancol juga yang bisa dikunjungi. Ya, minimal itulah, ga salah-salah sebut nama ikan. Hahaha…


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