
    Fall in Love with New Zealand

    New Zealand has been in my travel wish list for very..very..long..time since I knew that the movie scenes of Lord of the Rings were taken at a various place around New Zealand. Hence, to be in New Zealand is like a dream comes true.

    I have ever been to Australia which is just next to it but I don’t know why it seems like a faraway place for me. What I have in mind about New Zealand all were proven in August 2014. I am truly glad about that. The beautiful views and the people are real!

    Although I have been there but I am not going to clear this destination from my bucket list! I still want to explore more and more about the country. New Zealand is such a beautiful place! 🙂

    Click on the image for a bigger view. Enjoy!


    1. Samaaaaa. NZ itu bucketlistku yg paling atas. Sbnrnya plan 2022 ntr sih. Tujuan utamaku ksana cuma Krn pgn ngerasain sky diving dan zorbing di Auckland, dan bungee jumping di nevis :D. Sebagai pecinta bungee, aku ga mungkin ngelewatin negara asal penemu bungee jumping, walopun bungee di sana ketinggiannya ga setinggi Macau tower yg LBH naikin adrenalin :D. Tp Gpp lah, yg ptg bisa bungee di negara asalnya

      • Waaa…keren! Suka bungee ya? Saya belum pernah coba dan belum kepikir mau coba sih. Haha..lebih pengen coba skydving kalo ada kesempatan! 😀 Cuma bagusnya kalo bungge di NZ itu pemandangannya alam bukan kota kaya di Macau Tower kali ya. Saya ada liat orang jumping waktu di Taupo, bawahnya sungai dan sekeliling tebing gitu. Bagusss…untuk saya nonton. hahaha..Semoga terealisasikan ya di tahun 2022! 🙂


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