
    Festival Kreatif Lokal 2020

    Previous years, around this month, I would have been anticipating to attend the Festival Pesona Lokal press conference event, one of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes by Adira Finance Indonesia. As we all know, due to the pandemic, almost all events have been shifted to online and this event is not exceptional. Thought I felt that the momentum was not as great as when we had it offline but we were glad that the programme keeps going. I believe, there are many people looking forward to this event.

    After successfully run Festival Pesona Lokal for two consecutive years at multiple cities with the peak and closing event altogether at Jakarta, this year Adira Finance has launched a similar event with the name Festival Kreatif Lokal. Although with the same purpose – to support the local economic growth especially during this pandemic COVID-19, however, the execution may a little bit different. Even better, I would say.

    Festival Kreatif Lokal 2020

    Festival Kreatif Lokal is a programme by Adira Finance to celebrate their 30th Anniversary. It consists of two events – Kreatif Lokal Award and Konser Kreatif Lokal.

    Kreatif Lokal Award

    Kreatif Lokal Award 2020 is an award event by Adira Finance for those business owners who have shown the positive impact of their businesses by being able to improve the welfare of themselves and also the society where they live at. As many as 18 winners from 6 economic creative categories – Culinary, Fashion, Handicraft, Photography, Videography, and Performance, will be carefully chosen to receive the much rewarding award at the end of the event.

    Through this Kreatif Lokal Award, Adira Finance aims to support what the Indonesia Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy has been doing to revive the economic growth. The impact of COVID-19 pandemic has caused the downfall of many businesses, both big and small scales and not few that have to close down for good.

    Wishnutama Kusubandio as the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy said that he hopes that through this collaboration it will help to discover the unique potential each area has so that it will attract visitors from local and overseas to come. To survive through this difficult time, we have to think out of the box. Festival Kreatif Lokal 2020 is fully supported by the Indonesia Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy.

    How to Join Kreatif Lokal Award 2020

    For registration, please go to this link and fill up the registration form. Registration is open for nationwide, regardless where is your location. The registration and judging session will be done online. However, in order to join the Kreatif Lokal Award 2020, you have to meet the following criteria:

    • Indonesia Citizen, min. 17 years old and max. 45 years old
    • Business brand or activity has to be original
    • The business has to be a small and medium enterprise
    • Have a valid identity card or driving license
    • Have never received any awards from both nationally and internationally
    • Business activity or brand has to fall into one of these categories: handicraft, culinary, performance, photography, videography, or fashion
    • Not an employee of Adira Finance Group, EMTEK Group, or Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy
    • Each participant can only register one business or brand

    What is the Prize

    As mentioned earlier on that there will be 18 winners and every winner will be entitled to business capital, business coaching, exclusive online retail section at Bukalapak platform and chances to expand their businesses overseas, as well as publicity to media.

    Jugding Mechanism

    Nominees, Moderator, Judging Mechanism

    Live presentation by the nominees which will be moderated by the expert in each category

    Voting Mechanism

    • During the event, the voting link to the video of each participant on will be published to the public. All these votes will be used to choose the favourite winners only while the 18 winners will be based on the judges’ decision
    • 100 lucky voters will be given BukaLapak Shopping vouchers valued at IDR5.000.000,-

    The Judges

    To determine the 18 winners, each judging panel will judge the nominees from 4 different aspects.

    • Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy: the creativity and the impact of the business or brand for Indonesia
    • E-commerce: digital and innovation
    • Adira Finance: business portfolio and branding
    • EMTEK: brand marketing and presentation

    The Points

    Each aspect evaluated has different points. Total combined points is 100.

    • Innovation aspect (creative ideas, unique value, and the originality) – score 40%
    • Business portfolio (financial report and business forecast) – score 20%
    • Business presentation (presentation skill and materials) – score 10%
    • The business impact (positive impact on the society and the economic growth in Indonesia) – score 30%


    Registration has already started and the winners will be announced in November 2020, on Adira Finance’s 30th Anniversary.

    peekholidays-festival kreatif lokal Timeline 2020

    For any questions regarding Festival Kreatif Lokal 2020, you may contact +62 8590 0427 268 (Whatsapp chat only), Monday to Friday, from 08.30 to 17.00 WIB (Jakarta time)

    Konser Kreatif Lokal

    At the peak of the Festival Kreatif Lokal 2020 event, there will be a Konser Kreatif Lokal which scheduled to be on January 2021, with programmes ranging from live streaming events, online bazaar to promote products from the winners, charity concert with Indonesia well-known artists to raise funds for the small and medium business owners whom businesses are impacted due to the pandemic.

    Besides Kreatif Lokal Award and Konser Kreatif Lokal, Adira Finance will also hold a Festival Pasar Rakyat (Traditional Market Festival). They will give online training with several topics that are relevant to the sellers or business owners’ needs, such as topic about finance, marketing, and online business. Gerakan Pakai Masker (Wear Mask Movement) is another social collaboration that Adira Finance involves in, to distribute masks for free and also training on health and hygiene-conscious as a form of care to all individuals who do business in the market during this pandemic.

    This Festival Kreatif Lokal 2020 is made possible with supports from many parties, both from the government and private sectors such as MUFG, Adira Insurance, Adira Finance Syariah, Anteraja, Prasetiya Mulya-ELI and Daniel Tumiwa as the Business Growth Facilitator.

    • • •

    peekholidays-festival kreatif lokal Timeline 2020

    We all understand that this is a difficult time for everyone. But we shouldn’t lose hope. Instead, we shall work together, hand in hand, to keep Indonesia strong and survive through this hard time. Losing hope doesn’t help to make the situation better instantly neither working hard. But at least the latter keeps us alive and keep our country running.

    If you are a business owner, perhaps you may want to consider joining this Festival Kreatif Lokal. Or if you are not, you can also share this to people that you know fit the bill.

    I am so looking forward to seeing the winners with their business ideas submitted to Festival Kreatif Lokal 2020 and I also can’t wait to see more of Indonesia products go international. Let’s support and be proud of our local products, peeps! 🙂


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