
    Coral Adopt & Conservation in Karimunjawa Islands

    It’s been a few years since I adopted my first reef star for a coral planting project in Jakarta and Bali. I’m thrilled to receive the monthly report from the Bali project, which shows the positive impact made by the project team members and contributors on the ocean. The newly grown reef has become a home for marine animals. I can’t bear the thought of a lifeless ocean, even for a day!

    I vividly remember a dive where I encountered a desolate scene in shallow waters. There were no signs of life, only dead corals and scattered rubble. The poor visibility made it seem like the ocean was devoid of life. I felt devastated and horrified. The once-popular site had been significantly damaged. I believe many people understand that destruction can occur in mere seconds, but rebuilding can take years.

    During my recent visit to the area, I was pleased to see that the reef is making a comeback. Thanks to the “quiet” years and the efforts of the locals, young corals have started to grow and are now covering the previously damaged area. Although there is still a long way to go, it’s clear that positive progress is being made.

    About Coral Reef and Why Support Coral Conservation?

    I got it – not everyone understands the importance of conservation. Some may believe that resources should be allocated to causes they consider more vital. Some people are drawn to helping children in orphanages or the elderly in nursing homes. Others are passionate about protecting wildlife or advocating for adoption. 

    “Why not help the less fortunate or homeless people?” some may wonder, while others may believe that corals do not need help because they are not as alive as humans. 

    Even though corals may look like rocks, they are actually living creatures – animals. They are very much alive, more so than we may realize. I suggest watching the Netflix documentary “Chasing Coral” to learn more about corals and to understand why coral conservation is important.

    Also, not everyone is called for the same cause. Most importantly no matter what cause we choose to commit to, we are contributing to something good and making an impact. As for me, since I started diving, I know clearly that marine life has a special place in my heart besides protecting wildlife and the environment.

    Read: A Getaway to Karimunjawa Islands

    Karimunjawa and Coral Conservation

    Last year, I thought about exploring coral adoption programs in different places. I recalled a post from a friend about his coral adoption experience in Karimunjawa, so I reached out to ask him about it. That’s how my interest in coral adoption in Karimunjawa started.

    Karimunjawa, a cluster of stunning islands nestled in the Java Sea, is home to an underwater paradise teeming with vibrant corals. These corals form intricate ecosystems, providing a refuge for a kaleidoscope of marine life. Over the years, like many other places, it has suffered a significant loss of ecosystems due to human activities and natural causes.

    The coral reseeding and conservation project in Karimunjawa was first initiated by Jay in 2015 as a personal project. In March 2022, the coral adoption program started. More than 3,000 coral babies have been adopted in a year and a half, which is quite an accomplishment.

    The coral planting method used in Karimunjawa differs from the one used in Padang Bai. Jay shared a video demonstrating the process. It was helpful for me to gain a better understanding since I haven’t had the chance to visit the location myself yet.

    In Karimunjawa, the process of planting coral begins at the coral nursery, where all the baby corals are nurtured in a designated area until they grow to a suitable size for transplantation. Subsequently, each baby coral is placed on a concrete base made of cement or on a structure similar to those found in Bali, but smaller in size. If you want to help save the ocean, this could be a great option for you.

    peekholidays coral adopt karimunjawa

    For every adoption, we will receive a certificate as a record. Although there won’t be monthly updates, we can still track the overall progress of coral conservation through the Trilogy Ocean Restoration Foundation Instagram page. The page admins are very responsive, so we can expect quick responses to any questions we may have. Click the link below to find out more how to support the coral conservation in Karimunjawa.

    As the saying goes, “All roads lead to Rome,” which means there are many different ways to achieve the same result.

    You might feel like you’re not being called or unable to support this cause, and that’s okay. By being mindful of our daily habits, such as refusing single-use plastic, minimizing waste, and recycling whenever possible, we are indirectly contributing to positive environmental impacts, including the health of the oceans. Every effort counts. Don’t ever stop.


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