
    Win the Ultimate Getaway with Tourism New Zealand’s #NZFAMILYTRIP

    Pasangan selebriti Indonesia, Winky Wiryawan dan Kenes Andari baru saja kembali dari perjalanan liburan keluarga ke Selandia Baru. Kenes mengatakan, “Selandia Baru sudah ada dalam bucket list keluarga kami sejak lama dan kami sangat senang untuk dapat berkunjung kesana. Kami merasa perjalanan kami setiap harinya sangat berbeda dan seru karena segala hal di Negara ini dapat ditempuh dengan berjalan kaki atau berkendara dalam jarak dan waktu yang relatif singkat.”

    Queenstown merupakan salah satu kota terbaik dengan keindah alam yang sangat memesona. Kami juga sempat mencoba naik ke sebuah helilopter dan menjadi pengalaman pertama untuk Winky!” lanjutnya lagi. “Saran saya untuk setiap orang yang ingin berkunjung, pastikan Anda memiliki waktu yang cukup untuk menjelajahi tempat-tempat yang berbeda di Selandia Baru. Kami pasti akan kembali lagi!”

    Menangkan Liburan Terbaik Bersama #NZFAMILYTRIP Tourism New Zealand

    Satu keluarga beruntung di Indonesia akan memenangkan sebuah perjalanan ke Selandia Baru bersama #NZFamilyTrip, kompetisi media sosial Tourism New Zealand

    Setiap keluarga dapat mengikuti kompetisi dengan mengunggah sebuah video yang menjelaskan mengapa Selandia Baru menjadi pilihan terbaik bagi perjalanan wisata keluarga mereka selanjutnya. Video ini harus diunggah ke microsite Tourism New Zealand, menggunakan tagar #NZFamilyTrip mulai dari 27 Agustus hingga 9 Oktober 2015.

    Silakan mengunjungi untuk menemukan informasi mengenai kompetisi #NZFamilyTrip. 🙂


    Hanya satu keluarga yang akan menjadi pemenang (max. 6 orang) dan semua orang tersebut harus terekam di dalam video yang akan diunggah. Siapa saja boleh ikut selama masih ada hubungan saudara. 🙂

    • • •

    New Zealand,
    I was there last year in North Island and I totally fall in love with it! The…the mountains…the landscape..It is a beautiful country. Check out some photos from my past New Zealand trip on my gallery Fall in Love with New Zealand. I miss New Zealand so much! 🙂

    So, on 27 August 2015, a number of Bloggers and Medias were invited to come to Salt Grill, at The Plaza Fl. 46, for the launching of Tourism New Zealand first campaign and social media competition. We were invited to participate as well as to share this information to our friends and readers in Indonesia, too.

    Steven Dixon, the Regional Manager for South & South East Asia, said Indonesian arrivals to New Zealand were encouraging, with an average annual increase of 6%.

    “We consider Indonesia one of our key markets, and are excited about the potential the country holds. Through our marketing, trade and PR work, we aim to help Indonesians realise their dream of holidaying in New Zealand. Through this competition, we will take one Indonesian family on a dream holiday this year.”

    Meanwhile, Indonesian celebrity couple, Winky Wiryawan and Kenes Andari recently returned from a family trip to New Zealand. “New Zealand was on our family’s bucket list for a long time and we were glad to finally visit the country. We really felt like we were doing something unique and different every day in New Zealand as everything was just a short walk or drive from each other,” said Kenes.

    Queenstown was the highlight of our journey as the natural beauty was captivating. We also really enjoyed the helicopter tour, a first for Winky! My only advice for anyone wanting to go is to spend more time and explore different places in New Zealand. We will definitely be back!”

    One lucky Indonesian family will win a trip to New Zealand through Tourism New Zealand’s new social media competition, #NZFamilyTrip.

    YES. This is for REAL!

    Any family can enter the competition by submitting a video outlining why New Zealand is top of their family’s list of must-visit destinations. The video should be uploaded to Tourism New Zealand’s microsite using the hashtag #NZFamilyTrip from 27 August – 08 October 2015.

    What should I do to join the competition?

    1. Create a family video as interesting as possible using your smartphone, camera or any other gadgets explaining what are the reasons your family want to go to New Zealand
    2. Upload the video to your Youtube account and fill up the form available on before 8 October 2015
    3. Get likes as many as possible by sharing your video to your social media account with hastag #NZFamilyTrip
    4. Selected families will be informed on 14 October 2015 for further interview and the winner will be announced before 30 October 2015
    5. The winning family will fly to New Zealand by Singapore Airlines in early November 2015 to experience the unforgettable life experience

    *I’m drooling thinking of New Zealand*

    Things to note

    The prize is for 6 person in a family. You are allowed to get anyone in as long as they are still your family and all of them have to appear in the video. So, good luck peeps! 🙂



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