
    Anugerah Pesona Indonesia #APIawards2020 and Winners List

    I can say that I am fortunate enough to be one of the billions of people that currently residing in Indonesia. For the last few years, I have been actively exploring my home country, however, I think I have not even seen 1/4 of whole Indonesia yet. There are still far more to explore – to see and to do in this country. Indonesia is a country with the largest archipelago in the world with more than 17000 islands and islets. According to this information by Good News from Indonesia, we need at least 37 years to explore all the islands in Indonesia. So, counting the years I have spent, it is no wonder I only have covered a very small part of the country.


    Anugerah Pesona Indonesia #APIawards2020

    There is an event named Anugerah Pesona Indonesia (API) which is held annually so far in Jakarta since 2016. I get to know about it probably only three years ago. ‘Anugerah’ means grace, while the most appropriate translation in English for ‘Pesona Indonesia‘ I think will be wonderful Indonesia. I haven’t figured out the proper name in English. Anyway, there is more important information to share rather than discussing the correct translation for the name itself.

    Every year since 2016 when it was first held, there has been more than 115 destinations in 15 categories that made it to the nomination list. You may find out more about last year winners and previous years on Anugerah Pesona Indonesia website. I learn that one of the advantages which is also the purpose of this Anugerah Pesona Indonesia (API) Awards is to provide a platform for the locals, travellers or visitors to nominate places that they think it may have the potential. After that, all the submissions will be selected carefully by the committee before it goes to the nomination list for the audience to vote.

    More information about this award event, please visit their Anugerah Pesona Indonesia website. It is in Indonesian, you will need Google to translate if you don’t understand Indonesian.

    How to Vote in Anugerah Pesona Indonesia 2020

    From the nomination lists, I become to know more about Indonesia. Be it about the local culinary, cultures, places and activities that I have never even heard before but it probably has been there all these times. Like I mentioned earlier, it just needs to be made known and we can lend our hands to support the cause. Voting period is from August 1st to December 31st, 2020 and there are a few ways to vote:

    #1 via SMS

    • Type Keyword
    ex: API 1A
    • Send it to 99386
    • One SMS one vote. Multiple SMSes is allowed

    #2 via Instagram

    • Follow @APIaward
    • Search for the related post on the feed
    • Like/love the post. One like equals one vote

    #3 via YouTube (starts from 15 August onwards)

    • Subscribe to APIaward Youtube channel
    • Search for the nomination video you like to vote in the channel
    • Like the video. One like equals one vote

    Anugerah Pesona Indonesia Nomination Lists

    #1 The Most Popular Traditional Food

    ACimpa Tuang – Kab. KaroAPI 1A
    BCoto Manggala – Kab. Kotawaringin BaratAPI 1B
    CD’bubuy – Kab. SubangAPI 1C
    DGulai Umbut Sawit – Kab. TeboAPI 1D
    ENasi Merah – Kab. Gunung KidulAPI 1E
    FPendap – Kab. Bengkulu SelatanAPI 1F
    GSe’i – Prov.insi NTTAPI 1G
    HSempolet – Kab. Kep. MerantiAPI 1H
    ISop Senerek – Kota MagelangAPI 1I
    JTudai – Kab. BulunganAPI 1J

    #2 The Most Popular Traditional Beverage

    AAek Sappang – Kab. SambasAPI 2A
    BAir Kembang Semangkok – Kab. AnambasAPI 2B
    CAir Mata Bejando – Kab. PelalawanAPI 2C
    DAmpiang Dadiah – Kota BukittinggiAPI 2D
    EBandrek – Prov. Jawa BaratAPI 2E
    FDawet Ayu – Kab. BanjarnegaraAPI 2F
    GKopi Semendo – Kab. Muara EnimAPI 2G
    HSirup Henggi – Kab. FakfakAPI 2H
    ISirup Kayu Manis – Kab. KerinciAPI 2I
    JTeh Gambir – Kab. Pakpak BharatAPI 2J

    #3 The Most Popular Digital Tourism Promotion

    BFB@PromosiPariwisataKlungkung – Kab. KlungkungAPI 3B
    CIG@disparProv.bengkulu – Prov. BengkuluAPI 3C
    DIG@ExoticMalukuTourism – Prov. MalukuAPI 3D
    EIG@pariwisatasulbar – Prov. Sulawesi BaratAPI 3E
    FIG@ternatetourism – Kota TernateAPI 3F – Kab. LebakAPI 3G – Kab. PelalawanAPI 3H – Prov. Bangka BelitungAPI 3I – Prov. DIYAPI 3J

    #4 The Most Popular Tourism Brand

    AAuthentic Minangkabau – Kab. Tanah DatarAPI 4A
    BCity Of Music – Kota AmbonAPI 4B
    CExplore Jambi – Prov. JambiAPI 4C
    DParadise of the East – Prov. KaltimAPI 4D
    EThe Homeland of Melayu – Prov. RiauAPI 4E
    FThe Island Of Gods – Prov. BaliAPI 4F
    GThe Living Culture – Kab. SlemanAPI 4G
    HThe Treasure of Sumatera – Prov. LampungAPI 4H
    IWonderful Riau Islands – Prov. Kepulauan RiauAPI 4I
    JWorld Marine Heritage – Kab. WakatobiAPI 4J

    #5 The Most Popular Shopping Destination

    ABanyumulek – Kab. Lombok BaratAPI 5A
    BDesa Tenun Silungkang – Kota SawahluntoAPI 5B
    CJagoi Kindau – Kab. BengkayangAPI 5C
    DKampung Kerawang Gayo Bebesan – Kab. Aceh TengahAPI 5D
    EKawasan Anggut – Kota BengkuluAPI 5E
    FPasar Buah Brastagi – Kab. KaroAPI 5F
    GSentra Batik Trusmi – Kab. CirebonAPI 5G
    HSentra Tenun Ikat Ina Ndao – Kota KupangAPI 5H
    ITanggo Buntung – Kota PalembangAPI 5I
    JWisata Belanja Tugu – Kota MalangAPI 5J

    #6 The Most Popular Souvenir

    AAnyaman Pandan – Kab. Kayong UtaraAPI 6A
    BBadak Kayu – Kab. PandeglangAPI 6B
    CKaos Lukis Tamansari – Kota YogyakartaAPI 6C
    DLapik Koto Dian Rawang – Kota Sungai PenuhAPI 6D
    EMenong – Kab. PurwakartaAPI 6E
    FRencong Batu – Kab. Aceh SelatanAPI 6F
    GSarung Tenun Masalili – Kab. MunaAPI 6G
    HTenun Tanimbar – Kab. Kep. TanimbarAPI 6H
    ITenun Toraja – Kab. Tana TorajaAPI 6I
    JTudung Manto – Kab. LinggaAPI 6J

    #7 The Most Popular Sport & Adventure

    ABatu Paralayang – Kota BatuAPI 7A
    BBaturraden Adventure Forest – Kab. BanyumasAPI 7B
    CJelajah Hutan Lambusango – Kab. ButonAPI 7C
    DKaldera Jeep Adventure Batur – Kab. BangliAPI 7D
    EPanjat Tebing Silokek – Kab. SijunjungAPI 7E
    FSkyland Supermoto – Kab. Musi BanyuasinAPI 7F
    GSleman Temple Run – Kab. SlemanAPI 7G
    HTarawesi Motocross – Kab. BuruAPI 7H
    ITour De Linggarjati – Kab. KuninganAPI 7I
    JTrekking Gunung Tambora – Kab. DompuAPI 7J

    #8 The Most Popular Water Recreation

    AArung Jeram Sungai Progo – Kab. Kulon ProgoAPI 8A
    BArung Jeram Tinukari – Kab. Kolaka UtaraAPI 8B
    CBekarang – Kab. Musi BanyuasinAPI 8C
    DCliff Jumping Kiluh Falls – Kab. JayapuraAPI 8D
    EIsland Hopping Pulau Meko – Kab. Flores TimurAPI 8E
    FSekunyit Surf – Kab. KaurAPI 8F
    GSurfing Samadua – Kab. Aceh SelatanAPI 8G
    HSusur Sungai Salokarajae – Kota ParepareAPI 8H
    ITanggi Rafting – Kab. BengkayangAPI 8I
    JTubing Jatirejo – Kota SemarangAPI 8J

    #9 The Most Popular Eco-Tourism

    ABoonpring Andeman – Kab. MalangAPI 9A
    BDamaran Baru EcoVillage – Kab. Bener MeriahAPI 9B
    CDesa Burai – Kab. Ogan IlirAPI 9C
    DKampung Kerujuk – Kab. Lombok UtaraAPI 9D
    EKebawetan – Kab. KepahiangAPI 9E
    FKKMB – Kota TarakanAPI 9F
    GMangrove Banglas – Kab. Kep. MerantiAPI 9G
    HMangrove Gumumae – Kab. Seram Bagian TimurAPI 9H
    IPrevab Mentoko – Kab. Kutai TimurAPI 9I
    JTWA Batu Putih – Kota BitungAPI 9J

    #10 The Most Popular Highland

    ABukit Holbung – Kab. SamosirAPI 10A
    BBukit Lamando – Kab. Buton SelatanAPI 10B
    CFulan Fehan – Kab. BeluAPI 10C
    DGunung Boga – Kab. PaserAPI 10D
    EGunung Jantan – Kab. KarimunAPI 10E
    FKampung Domba Cinyurup – Kab. PandeglangAPI 10F
    GPuncak Sempur – Kab. KarawangAPI 10G
    HPuncak Sosok – Kab. BantulAPI 10H
    IPuncak Tempurung Garden – Kab. SarolangunAPI 10I
    JTaman Langit Tangkeban – Kota PemalangAPI 10J

    #11 The Most Popular Cultural Attraction

    ABaris Jangkang Pelilit – Kab. KlungkungAPI 11A
    BBelian Bawo – Kab. Kutai BaratAPI 11B
    CBokoba – Kab. Rokan HuluAPI 11C
    DButo Gedruk – Kab. BoyolaliAPI 11D
    EIsosolo – Kab. JayapuraAPI 11E
    FMappadendang – Kota ParepareAPI 11F
    GMoccak – Kab. Pakpak BharatAPI 11G
    HRampoe Langsa – Kota LangsaAPI 11H
    ITari Pugu-pugu – Kab .Boolang Mongondow UtaraAPI 11I
    JWeer Sekhe – Kab. Maluku TenggaraAPI 11J

    #12 The Most Popular Historical Site

    ABenteng Lipu Kulisusu – Kab. Buton UtaraAPI 12A
    BFort Rotterdam – Kota MakassarAPI 12B
    CIstana Alwatzikoebillah – Kab. SambasAPI 12C
    DIstana Damnah – Kab. LinggaAPI 12D
    EKawasan Kota Tua – JakartaAPI 12E
    FLiang Bua Ruteng – Kab.ManggaraiAPI 12F
    GMuseum Timah – Kota PangkalpinangAPI 12G
    HSitus Muara Kaman – Kab. Kutai KartanegaraAPI 12H
    ITaman Tirta Gangga – Kab. Karang AsemAPI 12I
    JTugu RRI Rimba Raya – Kab. Bener MeriahAPI 12J

    #13 The Most Popular Traditional Village

    ADesa Adat Gumantar – Kab. Lombok UtaraAPI 13A
    BDesa Pampang – Kota SamarindaAPI 13B
    CKampung Adat Namata – Kab. SabuAPI 13C
    DKampung Sarugo – Kab. Lima Puluh KotaAPI 13D
    EKasepuhan Cipta Gelar – Kab. SukabumiAPI 13E
    FPelang Kenidai – Kota Pagar AlamAPI 13F
    GRumah Betang Saham – Kab. LandakAPI 13G
    HRumah Tuo Rantau Panjang – Kab. MeranginAPI 13H
    ISetulang – Kab. MalinauAPI 13I
    JTongkonan Karuaya – Kab. Tana TorajaAPI 13J

    #14 The Most Popular Festival for Tourism

    ABalikpapan Fest – Kota BalikpapanAPI 14A
    BFestival Angso Duo – Kota JambiAPI 14B
    CFestival Danau Ranau – Kab. OKU SelatanAPI 14C
    DFestival Irau – Kab. MalinauAPI 14D
    EFestival Pulau Senua – Kab. NatunaAPI 14E
    FFestival Siak Bermadah – Kab. SiakAPI 14F
    GMeron – Kab. PatiAPI 14G
    HPangandaran Int’l Kite Festival – Kab. PangandaranAPI 14H
    ISabang Marine Festival – Kota SabangAPI 14I
    JSeba Baduy – Kab. LebakAPI 14J

    #15 The Most Popular Creative Destination

    ABukit Cinta – Kab. Bone BolangoAPI 15A
    BBukit Jipang – Kab. Rejang LebongAPI 15B
    CBukit Kasih Sayang – Kab. BanggaiAPI 15C
    DButtu Macca – Kab. EnrekangAPI 15D
    EHutan Pinus Pengger – Kab. BantulAPI 15E
    FJembatan Rawa Karindangan – Kab. Tanjung Jabung BaratAPI 15F
    GKampung Tridi – Kota MalangAPI 15G
    HRumah Atsiri – Kab. KaranganyarAPI 15H
    IRumah Pohon Waai – Kab. Maluku TengahAPI 15I
    JTaman Rozeline – Kab. Penajam Paser UtaraAPI 15J

    #16 The Most Popular Unique Destination

    AAek Natonang – Kab. SamosirAPI 16A
    BBatu Tompak Tiga – Kab. AnambasAPI 16B
    CDanau Dua Rasa Labuan Cermin – Kab. BerauAPI 16C
    DDanau Gedang – Kab. Bengkulu TengahAPI 16D
    EDusun Sri Pengantin – Kab. Musi RawasAPI 16E
    FJanjang Saribu – Kota BukittinggiAPI 16F
    GMuseum Tsunami – Kota Banda AcehAPI 16G
    HPasir Putih Aikima – Kab. JayawijayaAPI 16H
    ISungai Tamborasi – Kab. KolakaAPI 16I
    JWaterBlow Peninsula – Kab. BadungAPI 16J

    #17 The Most Popular New Destination

    AArut Riverside – Kab. Kotawaringin BaratAPI 17A
    BBukit Mercury Sayang Kaak – Kab. MajalengkaAPI 17B
    CDesa Pule – Kab. MadiunAPI 17C
    DKampoeng Reklamasi Air Jangkang – Kab. BangkaAPI 17D
    EPantai Batu Kasah – Kab. NatunaAPI 17E
    FPantai Glagah Wangi Istambul – Kab. DemakAPI 17F
    GPasir Timbul Bone Labunta – Kab. Buton TengahAPI 17G
    HPLBN Skouw – Kota JayapuraAPI 17H
    IPulau Semau – Kab. KupangAPI 17I
    JWelora – Kab. Maluku Barat DayaAPI 17J

    #18 The Most Popular Hidden Paradise

    AAir Terjun Manjang Merah – Kab. BangkaAPI 18A
    BBanyu Anjlok – Kab. MalangAPI 18B
    CBatu Tilam – Kab. KamparAPI 18C
    DMulut Seribu – Kab. Rote NdaoAPI 18D
    EPantai Labuana – Kab. DonggalaAPI 18E
    FPulau Enggano – Kab. Bengkulu UtaraAPI 18F
    GPulau Maspari – Kab. Ogan Komering IlirAPI 18G
    HPulau Sagori – Kab. BombanaAPI 18H
    ISelat Valentine – Kab. Seram Bagian BaratAPI 18I
    JToran Beach – Kab. FakfakAPI 18J

    • • •

    Every year or even maybe every few months, there are always new places around Indonesia to be discovered. Initially, maybe it is only known by the locals who stay around the area and little did they know that the place has the potential to be a tourism spot until someone intentionally or unintentionally shares the information out. After that, the place becomes known by the public and people from other places or provinces start visiting as well. The area gradually gets developed, more job opportunities become available for the locals and eventually the development of this area brings a positive impact on the tourism industry as a whole.

    However, how much can one or a group of people do? Considering Indonesia comprises many big and small islands, the richness of the culture, and the beauty of nature – over the mountain, into the deep ocean, it is plenty to see, do, and tell. Unless we have a hundred over years to live on, maybe, we can discover the place one by one with the time we have. However, the reality is, it is impossible.

    So, do you see your hometown in the nomination lists? Or perhaps any destination activities that you think it is well-deserved to be the winners in the respective category? Personally, I am proud of every individual and personnel that have gathered efforts to make this event happens. Because at the end of it, winning is just a bonus but the enthusiasm towards the whole process of promoting and contributing, those outweigh everything. So, Are you ready to do your part to vote?

    More About the Nominees on Instagram

    Find out more about the nominees on @peekholidays story on Instagram. Every now and then, I will share information about the nominees in the following categories. Click on the thumbnails below for more. Don’t miss it!

    peekholidays-apiawards-destinasi belanja
    peekholidays-apiawards-destinasi baru

    The Voting Result – August 2020

    Some of you may have been wondering how is the voting going so far since it started a month ago. Well! Stop wondering and start checking whether your favourite nominees have listed on top 5 in the chart.

    The Most Popular Eco-Tourism API Awards Voting Result

    Burai Village in Ogan Ilir, 25.5%
    Banglas Mangrove in Meranti Islands, 21.3%

    Boonpring Andeman in Malang, 19.5%

    Damaran Baru EcoVillage in Bener Meriah, 7.8%
    Kebawetan in Kepahiang, 7.7%
    Gumumae Mangrove in east Seram, 5.6%

    Others, 12.7% – including Kerujuk Village in north Lombok, KKMB in Tarakan, Prevab Mentoko in east Kutai, and Batu Putih Nature Park in Bitung.

    The Most Popular New Destinations API Awards Voting Result

    Glagah Wangi Beach Istambul in Demak, 34.6%
    Welora in Maluku southwest of Maluku 33.0%
    Pule Village in Madiun, 16.4%

    Pasir Timbul Bone Labunta in Central Buton, 6.6%
    Bukit Mercury Sayang Kaak in Majalengka, 2.8%
    Batu Kasah Beach in Natuna, 2.2%

    Others, 4.5% – including Arut Riverside in west Kotawaringin, Kampoeng Reklamasi Air Jangkang in Bangka, PLBN Skouw in the City of Jayapura, and Semau Island in Kupang.

    The Most Popular Shopping Destinations API Awards Voting Result

    Tanggo Buntung in Palembang, 47.0%
    Kampung Kerawang Gayo Bebesan in Central Aceh, 15.2%
    Kawasan Anggut in Bengkulu, 7.4%

    Sentra Tenun Ikat Ina Ndao in Kupang, 7.2%
    Desa Tenun Silungkang in the City of Sawahlunto , 6.4%
    Wisata Belanja Tugu in the City of Malang, 5.4%

    Others, 11.4% – including Banyumelek in West Lombok, Jagoi Kindau in Bengkayang, Brastagi Fruit Market in Karo, Sentra Batik Trusmi in Cirebon, and Tanggo Buntung in the City of Palembang.

    peekholidays-apiawards-shopping destination-voting-result

    The Voting Result – September 2020

    The Most Popular Eco-Tourism API Awards Voting Result

    Burai Village in Ogan Ilir, 31.4%
    Banglas Mangrove in Meranti Islands, 19.1%

    Boonpring Andeman in Malang, 16.7%

    Kebawetan in Kepahiang, 8.2%
    Damaran Baru EcoVillage in Bener Meriah, 8.1%
    Gumumae Mangrove in east Seram, 5.1%

    Others, 11.4% – including Kerujuk Village in north Lombok, KKMB in Tarakan, Prevab Mentoko in east Kutai, and Batu Putih Nature Park in Bitung.

    The Most Popular New Destinations API Awards Voting Result

    Glagah Wangi Beach Istambul in Demak, 33.4%
    Welora in Maluku southwest of Maluku 31.4%
    Pule Village in Madiun, 16.4%

    Pasir Timbul Bone Labunta in Central Buton, 9.0%
    Bukit Mercury Sayang Kaak in Majalengka, 2.7%
    Batu Kasah Beach in Natuna, 2.2%

    Others, 4.5% – including Arut Riverside in west Kotawaringin, Kampoeng Reklamasi Air Jangkang in Bangka, PLBN Skouw in the City of Jayapura, and Semau Island in Kupang.

    The Most Popular Shopping Destinations API Awards Voting Result

    Tanggo Buntung in Palembang, 49.8%
    Kampung Kerawang Gayo Bebesan in Central Aceh, 13.8%
    Wisata Belanja Tugu in the City of Malang, 10.2%

    Kawasan Anggut in Bengkulu, 6.1%
    Sentra Tenun Ikat Ina Ndao in Kupang, 5.7%
    Desa Tenun Silungkang in the City of Sawahlunto, 5.1%

    Others, 9.3% – including Banyumelek in West Lombok, Jagoi Kindau in Bengkayang, Brastagi Fruit Market in Karo, Sentra Batik Trusmi in Cirebon, and Tanggo Buntung in the City of Palembang.

    The Voting Result – October 2020

    The Most Popular Eco-Tourism API Awards Voting Result

    Burai Village in Ogan Ilir, 30.5%
    Banglas Mangrove in Meranti Islands, 18%

    Boonpring Andeman in Malang, 17.7%

    Kebawetan in Kepahiang, 9.3%
    Damaran Baru EcoVillage in Bener Meriah, 8.4%
    Gumumae Mangrove in east Seram, 4.8%

    Others, 11.3% – including Kerujuk Village in north Lombok, KKMB in Tarakan, Prevab Mentoko in east Kutai, and Batu Putih Nature Park in Bitung.

    The Most Popular New Destinations API Awards Voting Result

    Glagah Wangi Beach Istambul in Demak, 26.9%
    Welora in Maluku southwest of Maluku 25.6%
    Pule Village in Madiun, 19.9%

    Pasir Timbul Bone Labunta in Central Buton, 7.3%
    Bukit Mercury Sayang Kaak in Majalengka, 2.1%
    Semau Island, Kupang, 19.9%

    Others, 5.3% – including Arut Riverside in west Kotawaringin, Kampoeng Reklamasi Air Jangkang in Bangka, PLBN Skouw in the City of Jayapura, and Batu Kasah Beach in Natuna.

    The Most Popular Shopping Destinations API Awards Voting Result

    Tanggo Buntung in Palembang, 53.3%
    Kampung Kerawang Gayo Bebesan in Central Aceh, 12%
    Wisata Belanja Tugu in the City of Malang, 13.5%

    Kawasan Anggut in Bengkulu, 4.5%
    Sentra Tenun Ikat Ina Ndao in Kupang, 5.2%
    Desa Tenun Silungkang in the City of Sawahlunto, 3.9%

    Others, 7.6% – including Banyumelek in West Lombok, Jagoi Kindau in Bengkayang, Brastagi Fruit Market in Karo, Sentra Batik Trusmi in Cirebon.

    The Voting Result – November 2020

    The Most Popular Eco-Tourism API Awards Voting Result

    Burai Village in Ogan Ilir, 31.2%
    Banglas Mangrove in Meranti Islands, 17.5%

    Boonpring Andeman in Malang, 17.2%

    Kebawetan in Kepahiang, 9.3%
    Damaran Baru EcoVillage in Bener Meriah, 8.7%
    Gumumae Mangrove in east Seram, 4.9%

    Others, 11.1% – including Kerujuk Village in north Lombok, KKMB in Tarakan, Prevab Mentoko in east Kutai, and Batu Putih Nature Park in Bitung.

    The Most Popular New Destinations API Awards Voting Result

    Welora in Maluku southwest of Maluku 24.1%
    Glagah Wangi Beach Istambul in Demak, 22.8%
    Semau Island, Kupang, 20.2%

    Pule Village in Madiun, 10.2%
    PLBN Skouw – Jayapura City, 9.1%
    Pasir Timbul Bone Labunta in Central Buton, 7.2%

    Others, 6.5% – including Arut Riverside in west Kotawaringin, Kampoeng Reklamasi Air Jangkang in Bangka, Bukit Mercury Sayang Kaak in Majalengka, and Batu Kasah Beach in Natuna.

    The Most Popular Shopping Destinations API Awards Voting Result

    Tanggo Buntung in Palembang, 50.3%
    Wisata Belanja Tugu in the City of Malang, 14.3%

    Kampung Kerawang Gayo Bebesan in Central Aceh, 13.1%

    Kawasan Anggut in Bengkulu, 4.5%
    Sentra Tenun Ikat Ina Ndao in Kupang, 5.1%
    Desa Tenun Silungkang in the City of Sawahlunto, 3.9%

    Others, 7.7% – including Banyumelek in West Lombok, Jagoi Kindau in Bengkayang, Brastagi Fruit Market in Karo, Sentra Batik Trusmi in Cirebon.

    Top 6 Monthly Results (Table Format)

    Burai Village in Ogan Ilir25.5%31.4%30.5%31.2%
    Banglas Mangrove in Meranti Islands21.3%19.1%18%17.5%
    Boonpring Andeman in Malang19.5%16.7%17.7%17.2%
    Damaran Baru EcoVillage in Bener Meriah7.8%8.1%8.4%8.7%
    Kebawetan in Kepahiang7.7%8.2%9.3%9.3%
    Gumumae Mangrove in East Seram5.6%5.1%4.8%4.9%
    Glagah Wangi Beach Istambul in Demak34.6%33.4%26.9%22.8%
    Welora in Maluku southwest of Maluku33.0%31.4%25.6%24.1%
    Pule Village in Madiun16.4%16.4%12.8%10.2%
    Pasir Timbul Bone Labunta in Central Buton6.6%9.0%7.3%7.2%
    Bukit Mercury Sayang Kaak in Majalengka2.8%2.7%2.1%
    Batu Kasah Beach in Natuna2.2%2.2%
    Semau Island, Kab. Kupang19.9%20.2%
    PLBN Skouw – Jayapura City9.1%
    Tanggo Buntung in Palembang47.0%49.8%53.3%50.3%
    Kampung Kerawang Gayo Bebesan in Central Aceh15.2%13.8%12%13.1%
    Kawasan Anggut in Bengkulu7.4%6.1%4.5%4.5%
    Sentra Tenun Ikat Ina Ndao in Kupang7.2%5.7%5.2%5.1%
    Desa Tenun Silungkang in the City of Sawahlunto6.4%5.1%3.9%3.9%
    Wisata Belanja Tugu in the City of Malang5.4%10.2%13.5%14.3%

    • • •

    The committees of API Awards will release the monthly results to the public so that everyone can get updates on the progress. If you notice your favorites nominees are still far left behind, don’t despair, and do start catching up! Do note that the voting now can be done not only via Instagram and SMS, but also via YouTube! For more details, please refer to the information above.

    I will update this post regularly with the latest monthly result. So, please check this page every first week of each month for the latest update. Happy voting and all the best to all nominees! 🙂

    • • •

    The Winners of #APIAwards2020 🏆

    The waiting is over! On May 20th, 2020, at Inaya Bay Labuan Bajo, the outcomes of API Awards 2020 had been announced! Congratulations to all winners!

    The Most Popular New Destinations

    1st – Welora, Kab. Maluku Barat Daya
    2nd – Pulau Semau, Kab. Kupang
    3rd – Pasir Timbul Bone Labunta – Kab. Buton Tengah

    The Most Popular Shopping Destinations

    1st Winner – Sentra Tenun Ikat Ina Ndao, Kota.Kupang
    2nd Winner – Kampung Kerawang Gayo Bebesen – Kab. Aceh Tengah
    3rd Winner – Tanggo Buntung, Kota.Palembang

    The Most Popular Eco-tourisms

    1st – Damaran Baru EcoVillage, Kab.Bener Meriah
    2nd – Desa Burai, Kab.Ogan Ilir
    3rd – Mangrove Banglas, Kab.Kepulauan Meranti

    The Most Popular Unique Destinations

    1st – Museum Tsunami – Kota Banda Aceh
    2nd – Dusun Sri Pengantin – Kab. Musi Rawas
    3rd – Sungai Tamborasi – Kab. Kolaka

    The Most Popular Souvenirs

    1st – Rencong Batu – Kab. Aceh Selatan
    2nd – Tenun Tanimbar – Kab. Kep. Tanimbar
    3rd – Badak Kayu – Kab. Pandeglang

    The Most Popular Highlands

    1st – Fulan Fehan – Kab. Belu
    2nd – Puncak Tempurung Garden – Kab. Sarolangun
    3rd – Bukit Holbung – Kab Samosir

    The Most Popular The Most Creative Destinations

    1st – Rumah Pohon Waai – Kab. Maluku Tengah
    2nd – Jembatan Rawa Karindangan – Kab. Tanjung Jabung Barat
    3rd – Meron – Kab. Pati

    The Most Popular Cultural Attractions

    1st – Rampoe Aceh – Kota Langsa
    2nd – Baris Jangkang Pelilit – Kab. Klungkung
    3rd – Bokoba – Kab. Rokan Hulu

    The Most Popular Water Attractions

    1st – Bekarang – Kab. Musi Banyuasin
    2nd – Island Hopping Pulau Meko – Kab. Flores Timur
    3rd – Surfing Samadua – Kab. Aceh Selatan

    The Most Popular Tourism Brands

    1st – The Homeland of Melayu – Prov. Riau
    2nd – City Of Music – Kota Ambon
    3rd – The Treasure of Sumatera – Prov. Lampung

    The Most Popular Traditional Village

    1st – Kampung Adat Namata – Kab. Sabu Raijua
    2nd – Kampung Sarugo – Kab. Lima Puluh Kota
    3rd – Pelang Kenidai – Kota Pagar Alam

    The Most Popular Cultural Festival

    1st – Festival Danau Ranau – Kab. OKU Selatan
    2nd – Seba Baduy – Kab. Lebak
    3rd – Meron – Kab. Pati

    The Most Popular Traditional Food

    1st – Se’i – Provinsi NTT
    2nd – Coto Manggala – Kab. Kotawaringin Barat
    3rd – Pendap – Kab. Bengkulu Selatan

    The Most Popular Traditional Drink

    1st – Dawet Ayu – Kab. Banjarnegara
    2nd – Kopi Semendo – Kab. Muara Enim
    3rd –Air Mata Bejando – Kab. Pelalawan

    The Most Popular Sport & Adventure Activities

    1st – Skyland Supermoto – Kab. Musi Banyuasin
    2nd – Panjat Tebing Silokek – Kab. Sijunjung
    3rd – Tarawesi Motocross – Kab. Buru

    The Most Popular Digital Tourism Promotion

    1st – – Kab. Pelalawan
    2nd – FB@PromosiPariwisataKlungkung – Kab. Klungkung
    3rd – IG@ExoticMalukuTourism – Prov. Maluku

    The Most Popular Historical Sites

    1st – Liang Bua Ruteng – Kab.Manggarai
    2nd – Tugu Radio Perjuangan Rimba Raya – Kab. Bener Meriah
    3rd – Kawasan Kota Tua – Jakarta

    The Most Popular Hidden Paradise

    1st – Batu Tilam – Kab. Kampar
    2nd – Mulut Seribu – Kab. Rote Ndao
    3rd – Toran Beach – Kab. Fakfak

    • • •

    Again, congratulations to all winners! To all nominees, you have done great! See you soon at #APIAwards2021! 🙂


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