Have you ever become a host of one event? A gathering event perhaps for your friends or company? If you do, you should know the challenges to be the host or person in charge of one event. From the planning stage to execution, it takes time and energy, and sometimes emotional, too. At least, the first twos are inevitable.
In two months time, Indonesia will be hosting Asian Games 2018, a multi-sport event that is held every four years. The event will be taking venue in two places – Jakarta and Palembang. Although becoming a host of an event that will be attended by athletes from all over Asia is something that our country shall be delighted about, especially when the last time Indonesia became the host was in 1962, however, as exciting as it can be, we also shall not forget that a lot of things to plan much in advance before the event begins.
I am glad that for the opportunity to join the Tour de Pelatnas Asian Games 2018. Led by the Minister of Youth and Sports Affairs himself, Mr Imam Nahrawi, we get to peek a little the behind the scenes of Asian Games 2018.

It was a really hot sunny day when we visited the archery training centre in Gelora Bung Karno Sports Complex but yet the athletes were standing still with their eyes focused on the target. The bow itself is already heavy and they have to stay in the position to aim and lock the target before finally releasing the arrow.
For archery, Indonesia aims for at least one gold. Although this sport looks simple, it requires stamina, technic, strategy, and also mental strength to win the game. You know, we can’t be focused if we have a nervous breakdown. My eyes could not even follow where the arrow flew off exactly. Can you?

From the open-air training field, we moved to the newly renovated Aquatic Centre that is fully sheltered. Although the renovation work is not fully done yet in some area, we can already see our athletes train for the aquatic competition vigorously. There are water polo pool, the main pool and also a pool facility for other aquatic sports such as water aerobics and so on.
Looking at how fit and awesome our athletes are, it is kind of motivating me to keep up with my health and stamina. Although it is clear that it is impossible to be as fit as them. Haha… Me and my friend, Arief, happened to talk with one athlete that was taking a break near to the pool. In fact, he wasn’t preparing for Asian Games but for the next year SEA Games which is still more than a year away.
For the aquatic group, Indonesia aims for one gold and two bronzes. And they have done the training and try-out not only in Indonesia but also in overseas. No doubt for their disciplines and commitments. Don’t you think they deserve applause and cheer from us?

There are 42 sports category fo Asian Games 2018 and Gelora Bung Karno alone will host 13 sports with the rest in Palembang and other areas of Jakarta and west java. Our tour won’t complete without visiting the athletics arena in the main stadium of Gelora Bung Karno. Some say athletics is considered as the mother of all sports. Probably because of the disciplines that involve running, jumping, throwing, and walking – the basic form of all sports game. Indonesia aims for two golds for this category.
I am not into running but I love walking. How about you?

Due to time limit we had, after had a tour at Gelora Bung Karno Sports Complex, we moved to the launching event of Chandra Wijaya International Badminton Centre in Serpong, Tangerang. Chandra Wijaya is one of Indonesia National Badminton Player that had won several medals for Indonesia. Hope that more national badminton players are born under his coaching.
My overseas friend asked me once, what sport is Indonesia famous for? As a person that not actively following sports news, I immediately answered badminton. I answered that because I remember there was one period, in any badminton competition, even with eyes closed, we would know that winning belongs to Indonesia already. It has become a legend.

While thinking about that, my mind was crossing over to another topic that is closely related to Asian Games 2018 preparation. If you are living in Jakarta or living in this big city long enough, you may already know that our major planning is not only limited to the games itself, nor the athletes only, but also the road traffic that has haunted us for years.

Read: Resolving the Road Traffic Issue in Jabodetabek
Fortunately, our government looks into this issue seriously! The government unit in managing the road traffic in Jakarta and around, BPTJ, hs worked hard to improve the traffic condition and there has been a significant improvement.
The government has done their part, shall we as one nation also do our part to support the success of Asian Games 2018? Share the news about Asian Games 2018 to show our support for our athletes and government. We are now no longer talk about the success of an individual but we are talking about the nation. Let’s cheers for healthy competition, let’s shout out for Indonesia!