“He’s unclean”
“It is alright. Our family will bear the sin.”
That’s a cut from the scene that caught my attention first after we rushed quietly to our seat in the cinema as we were a little late, the movie has already started. We were at the scene where the mother of the three siblings had just passed away and they are preparing for her burial. There’s one elderly lady leads the burial process and she disagreed the eldest son who has a different religion to stay close. Because according to their belief, it’s an unclean act to let someone with different belief joining in the process. His sister took up the cudgels for him later on by telling the lady gently that their family will bear the cost of letting him in.

” Lima means five in Indonesian. The movie reminds us of the five principles of Indonesia; the principles that make us Indonesia. ”
On that week, one happening movie ‘Jurrasic World’ started showing as well. Instead of seeing the dinosaurs and human running on the screen saving the extinct creatures, I was sitting in a cinema with over than two hundred people watching ‘LIMA’, a local movie production that tries to bring up the values of Pancasila in a way that I think it’s more relevant to today’s modern society. I mean, who doesn’t know about Pancasila? We have heard it hundreds or maybe thousands of times to the stage we might only memorize but we don’t live up the values anymore as we were taught since young.
The movie ‘LIMA’ is getting more interesting when cases that are familiar and close to us are brought up to the screen one by one. The unfortunate, unjust and unreasonable incidents that happened just because one group of people are different from the most of people; the social judgement and the acceptance issues that are worsening lately, as if, we–Indonesians have long forgotten the values of Pancasila.

Movie Screening Session with PPM Management College
The rest of the people who were in the cinema with me that afternoon was none other but the employee of PPM Management College in Jakarta. That movie screening session together was a part of celebrating Pancasila Day that falls on June 1st every year. As an academic institution in Indonesia, PPM Management College believes that it is one of their responsibilities to emphasize the unity in this nation by implementing the values of Pancasila into the school and set an example. They were excited when they found out the movie ‘LIMA’ which is related to the topic they are celebrating and then they decided to invite all the employees for a movie screening session together. Including me and few blogger friends were invited to support the cause.
Probably PPM Management College is the only academic instistution that hold such values strongly.
To strengthen their core value – the unity in the nation, there are three dates that are kept sacred by PPM Management College. One, as mentioned earlier, June 1st, Pancasila Day – it is a moment for them to evaluate if their business practice is still aligned with the values of Pancasila. Two, July 3rd, PPM Mangement College Anniversary – it is the day to evaluate what they have contributed to the country along the year and what else they can do more. And the last one obviously is August 17th, Indonesia’s Independence Day – A moment to remember to always stay in harmony despite all the differences – racial harmony.

My Thought about Pancasila
Indonesia is a vast country that consists of more than 17,0000 islands spread from Sabang to Merauke. As a country with so many islands and cultures and ethnic groups, we need ‘something’ to unify the various values Indonesia has due to the different background and history of each place. And that is where Pancasila becomes our nationwide’s umbrella to shelter all people in Indonesia under the same values – Pancasila. No matter which part of Indonesia we are from – rural or urban, what races or what ethnic group we are, we all are under the same rules and have the same rights. Indonesian is not determined by such matters.

There are so many noises from people around us and also the advanced technology that is able to quickly spread the news that either keeping us safe or steering us away from the unity. No matter what, we should always have the same mentality, the same mindset and heart to always remember that although we may look different, we are all Indonesians. And no one can ever change that unless we allow that to happen.
I personally give my salute to PPM management College that cultivated that important values to their institution. I believe that it will not only bring impact to their employees and students but soon enough to the audiences in bigger scale as well. Start right and everything is going to be alright. That’s what I believe.
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