
    Indonesia: It’s Not Perfect. It’s AWESOME.

    I first saw this video on my Facebook news feed, and hey, it has useful information about Indonesia that I think it’d be interesting to share with all of you. Thanks to Good News from Indonesia for creating such a great video! 🙂

    Below are the English translation and a little bit more information related to the topic which I found online. If there is any mistake, please feel free to let me know. 🙂


    It’s not perfect. It’s AWESOME.

    Indonesia mempunyai 13466 pulau besar dan kecil

    Indonesia has 13466 islands, big and small

    Menjadikan Indonesia negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia

    It makes Indonesia to be a country with the largest archipelago in the world

    Perlu 37 tahun untuk menjelajahi seluruh pulau jika tinggal 1 hari di setiap pulau

    We need 37 years to explore all the islands if we stay one night on each island

    Jarak dari Sabang sampai Merauke 5428 km

    The distance between Sabang (the northernmost point of Indonesia) to Merauke (the southernmost point of Indonesia) is 5428 km

    5428 km jarak yang sama antara Tehran ke London
    Melintasi 10 negara Eropa

    5428 km is the same distance as Tehran to London
    Crossing over 10 European countries

    Panjang garis pantai Indonesia 95181 km

    The total length of Indonesia coastline is 95181 km

    Negara dengan garis pantai terpanjang ke-4 di dunia

    That is the 4th longest coastline in the world

    Indonesia adalah rumah

    Indonesia is a home of

    Bagi 1128 suku bangsa

    1128 tribes

    Ribuan makanan dan minuman khas

    Thousands of local unique food and beverage

    Dengan 746 bahasa

    746 kind of languages

    Aneka ragam flora & fauna

    Various types of flora & fauna

    Indonesia dikaruniai kombinasi keindahan alam yang tiada duanya di dunia

    Indonesia has a combination of beautiful natures that can’t be found elsewhere in the world

    Photo captions from left to right:
    1st row
    Raja Ampat (West Papua), Blue Fire (East Java), Cartenz Pyramid (Papua)
    2nd row
    Merapi (Central Java), Lake Toba (North Sumatra), Sunset in Anyer (West Java)
    3rd row
    Wave in G-Land (East Java), Krakatau (between Java and Sumatra), Wakatobi (Southeast Sulawesi)

    Indonesia adalah rumah bagi budaya-budaya leluhur
    yang adiluhung & beragam

    Indonesia is a home of various types of highly valued ancient native culture

    Photo captions from left to right:
    1st row
    Saman Dance (Aceh), Minangkabau House (Minang), Borobudur (Java)
    2nd row
    Kecak Dance (Bali), Karapan Sapi (Madura), Tanah Toraja (Toraja)
    3rd row
    Perang Dance or Dance of War (Nias)

    Indonesia adalah rumah bagi anak bangsa
    yang karyanya diakui dunia

    Indonesia is a home of people with records that are recognized by the world

    Photo captions from left to right:
    1st row
    B.J. Habibie (Aviation), Wiweko Supono (Air Force),
    Khoirul Anwar (Network Information Theory)
    2nd row
    Sehat Sutardja (Marvel Technology Group),
    Tjokorda Raka (Sorosbahu Road Construction Technique),
    Rudi Hartono (Badminton Star)
    3rd row
    Warsito P. Taruno (Cancer Busters Tool)

    Memang, ada beribu alasan untuk pesimis akan masa depan Indonesia

    Although, there are thousand reasons to be pessimistic about the future of Indonesia



    Ada berjuta alasan mengapa kita harus tetap bangga menjadi Indonesia

    There are million reasons to be proud to be Indonesia

    Dan optimis akan masa depannya

    And be optimistic of its future

    It’s not perfect
    It’s AWESOME

    Although I am residing in Singapore which now I can call it my second home. However, I can’t deny that I was born and grown up in Indonesia. Again, Indonesia is not perfect but it is awesome. And I won’t forget about that. 🙂



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