
    Sunset Photo Hunting at Chinese Garden

    So, there was a day I joined a group of photographers to hunt for sunset at the Chinese Garden in Singapore. We were set to meet at the Chinese Garden MRT at 6.15 pm. After everyone reached, we started to walk to our destination ~ Chinese Garden. Precisely, the park is behind the Chinese Garden MRT! 😀

    I am new to landscape photography and I was excited to see the result I would get. This is the first shot and do you see the pagoda from a far distance? Yes, that’s the Chinese Garden.

    Chinese Garden was at the left while the sun was at our right side. Everyone was finding their spot and set up their camera. Below is the equipment that we are suggested to bring :

    • Camera (Of course! Any camera with manual setting)
    • Tripod
    • Remote (optional)
    • Neutral Density (ND) filter (optional)
    • Umbrella (optional)

    We get ourselves and camera ready before 7pm as the sun was at its most glorious colors starting around that time and only last for less than an hour. On following photos, you will see the color of the sky changed gradually which was awesome!

    I am using Canon EOS 60D with 18-200mm lens and the setting I used:

    • M mode
    • f/11
    • 2.oo s
    • ISO 100
    • @18mm
    • Daylight for the white balance

    Our organizer suggested us to get ND Filter. It helps to brighten up the image, colour and add a smoother effect for the sky and water. This was my first time to catch the sunset using proper equipment and testify through my lens myself. I was pretty satisfied with the result. I did a little bit bright adjustment in Photoshop CS on post result. Lights up the night! Wohoo…! I will get another sunset shoot this coming week. Hope I will get a better one. 🙂


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